
The Beekeepers experiences with Buckfast Queens

Anita Klein, Espagna

Hola, buenos dias! He hecho un pedido de 2 reinas buckfast. Un saludo a todos y gracias por su gran trabajo! Anita Klein, Espagna

Patricia and Frédéric Delin, France

We are very satisfied with your queens and your difficult work. Thank you very much to all of you. One day we shall visit you in Denmark with a bottle of Meursault or Gevrey-Chambertin. Cordially - Patricia and Frédéric Delin, France

Eric Wizen, France

C'est ma deuxieme commande et je suis tres satisafait de votre elevage. J'attends votre reponse pour la date de livraison. Eric Wizen, France 

Ionut Ticu, Romania

I have 10 buckfast queens. Now the colonies with buckfast queens are the most strong colonies. Ionut Ticu, Romania

Antoine, France

Hello Buckfast Denmark! I really like your job with the Buckfast Queens, so I need new Queens to improve my work in my hives. Have a nice day, Antoine, France

Pierre Callamard, France

Bonjour. Je suis très content de votre travail et apprécie particulièrement ses aptitudes à bien hiverner sans avoir à sur-nourrir. Pierre Callamard, France

Afonso Silva, Portugal

Last year I got 4 of your queens sent to Portugal. Due to a mistake, I killed all of them. Can you can ship three queens for me asap? Best regards, Afonso Silva, Portugal

Elzbieta Surmacz, Poland

I’m trying desperately to order two selected breeders. Please send the queens asap. Elzbieta Surmacz, Poland

Sergey from Russia

Your Queen best in my Apiary, They are simply Super! Thanks for the beautiful Queens. May I order and add another two Queens of your choice? Thank you. Sincerely, Sergey from Russia

Miroslav from Czech Republic

Your queens have changed my life as a beekeeper. They are so gentle, no swarm and  their daughters are really perfect bees! Miroslav from Czech Republic